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Dental Emergency
A dental emergency is a problem involving the teeth, gums, or jaw that requires immediate treatment. There are various types and levels of dental emergencies. Pain, swelling, bleeding, a broken or loose tooth are all considered dental emergencies. Sometimes the cause is an accident or trauma, other times symptoms may be subtle and increase over time.
Dental emergencies can be obvious, such as a broken tooth or pain or trauma. Other issues such as mild sensitivity or a loose crown probably aren’t emergencies, but they could be. If you think you’re experiencing a dental emergency, do not hesitate to contact our dental clinic at Vauxhall at 02036457885 to see on of our dentists. Our team will take great care of you and provide treatment options.
Dental emergencies can happen, don’t worry! It’s important not to ignore dental issues. Be sure to contact us right away to prevent any issues from escalating. We are here for you for any dental emergency and remember prevention is an important step to reduce the risk of dental emergencies.